Creatively bringing together retro gamer tones and deeply emotive writing, intertwined amidst a rising energy rhythm and soundscape that further the overall artistic appeal – watchman gets colourful and profound, with the wonderfully genre-fusing NVM!

Alt PopEmo RapHip HopProducer

Increasingly Cassius412 impresses, from the musicality, the roar of that hook vocal, through the weight and emotion of the music, even the vintage, Church-style keys, onward into the bars and personality of the verses.

Hip Hop

Heavy electronic production meets with equally effected vocals of an emotive, purposeful storyline for contrasting impact – rapper and artist Favour Abel injects a fresh degree of intention and hypnotic musicality into the modern hip hop scene. Structurally unique for its progression from artistic and soulful to gritty and informative, Adam & Eve utilises the … Continued

Emo RapHip HopTrap

Melodically catchy from the outset, KREWZ blends the sound of the contemporary trap scene with dreamy production and an intimate, rhythmic vocal style that quickly impresses.

Emo RapHip HopTrap

Reigniting the buzz for his sound, of fast delivery and purposeful bars, rapper and artist Zerk offers up a gritty and hook-heavy new hit in the form of the fast-rising It’s Going Down.

Hip Hop