The alternative sound has been captured very skillfully; at first making you notice it, and later making you glad that you did.
The artists involved have embarked upon a collaborative album fusing all the best qualities of their creativity. The result is something quite special.
Lyrically expressive in a complex and poetic manner, thoughts outside of the box, expressed with genuine depth and emotion.
The kind of album you can switch on at the end of a hard day, to let this whole new world of music and thoughts just wash away your troubles for a while.
Such a musically satisfying song. A truly beautiful yet minimal soundscape within which you can lose yourself for a while.
Soaring, plaintive vocals and chimerical guitar playing are at the forefront of an introspective and ethereal soundscape.
That voice, which thoroughly connects the tracks in your mind, is loaded with character; a wonderful fusion of strength and vulnerability.
It’s a gorgeous song.. one that really makes you think – as does much of the rest of Will Adams’ music.
What you’re experiencing is a vibrant array of beauty & thought, artistically presented by someone who is musically experienced and skillful. It’s stunning.
The backing track is striking, the storytelling equally attention grabbing and captivating. Every line seems to reach into your head space and your soul.
It has that gorgeously organic sound to it, and it’s a track that would brighten up any evening out from the moment it started to play.
This particular collection of songs works so extremely well as an entity, as a whole piece of art – the way we used to think of the idea of an album.