Raymond Revel stands tall on the strength of compelling, authentic and poetic songwriting with this release. The opening words alone shine with genuine heart and soul amidst a purely acoustic guitar-led backdrop.
Folk Pop
This is a charming and wistful Christmas song that sneaks up with cold hands and a mug of warm toddy to let you know that you matter.
There’s nothing to hide behind here, no over-use of effects or production details, this is just the artist and his music, as authentic as can be.
When Dream Fever ends, the incoming silence is almost too much to bear. The thoughts and feelings conjured up by the experience linger and isolate in a manner that begs for you to dive back into the music.
Line undoubtedly is an act set on stirring things up lyrically, offering what no artist has before, and doing so under a professional and skillful musical light. Shocking, uncomfortable, chaotic lyrics ride alongside of pristine ambiances and melodic purity.
From humble beginnings, to the unexpectedly anthem-like, choir-style brightness of a hook, from optimism through mild uncertainty, from keys to sax, the whole thing is unpredictable in a beautifully comforting manner.
Beautiful songwriting, a complex yet captivating, meandering melody, a powerful structure, stunning vocals with a unique softness and purity – all of this meets with impeccable sound design and engaging flickers of organic musicality for this single.
Telling the story of divers watches under the sea, Island Of Tears fuses a reggae rhythm with a chorus of voices and flickers of distorted electric guitar.
K Brown has crafted a simple and colourful pop hit with this single – quirky and family friendly, loaded with familiar rhymes and a refreshing sense of optimism that’s been all but missing from much of modern music. Stylistically, The One begins as something of a folk-pop song – a characterful vocal leads the way … Continued
It’s a mature, thoughtful and yet playful exploration of sound. I love the singer’s voice, the song’s narrative and I have to say that the other songs on We Were Children Yesterday sound similarly diverting. Spellbinding, in fact!
Devin Kennedy’s return this month brings a beautifully heartfelt and colourful collection of original songs, the sort that rightfully showcase his intentions and abilities as an artist, as well as deliver the perfect fusion of ambient pop vibes to keep things warm as the winter months settle in.
“Concision is good. Direct is good. But it’s easy to see how this environment can create a sort of fast-food attitude towards songwriting in a pop industry already fully of empty calories.”