There aren’t many artists putting this much creativity & effort into electronic releases. It feels very now, or even beyond now; like tomorrow’s orchestra.
A superbly manic and captivating set of visuals to accompany the distorted and riff heavy mind bender that is ‘Chaos Is My Middle Name’.
The music fills every void. You soon realise why it is that you return to the World Of Caellus sound, again and again.
This track is an example of a producer storming forwards to centre stage, and joyfully, skillfully, thoughtfully; creating an experience for all audiences.
The tales told are vast and unusual, and yet, all the while – the music stands alone as everything trance ever set out to be, way back when.
There is nothing fake or false; Sarantos prides himself on being a real artist, with much of what it is to be human; imperfections and all.
The ideas are vast and flowing, there is much to be heard, much to be said, and what may follow is undoubtedly not to be missed.
The feelings it brings about are so very well suited to the intention of the music. It suggests an experienced and highly creative artist and producer.
That moment when you get the record from the pressing plant, and put it on the turntable – this is the moment of truth. I’m always a bit nervous about it.
This is song writing at it’s most experimental, exuding freedom, and expression of whatever it is the artist needs to express.
When I stopped listening – I felt as if I’d been on some immense journey. The power of art is alight, and being waved high above the world with this album.
At times rhythmic and smooth, other times poetic and deep, and occasionally quite haunting – the music is vast and varied and consistently expressive.