That meeting of the professional side of music making & the open, authentic side of being an artist has been really well captured. It’s a great song.
There are equal parts colour, character, and depth throughout this project. It’s a bright & joyful collection but not without meaning & considerate ideas.
Doc Ventura creates magnificent music from nothing but a guitar & an unwavering level of passion & creativity. Grab yourself a whisky & enjoy.
An honest & characterful country ballad. The song offers the realness of everyday love in a way that needs nothing flashy to exemplify its sentiment.
The concept stands out & the melody sinks in very quickly. It’s a gorgeous release, a welcome addition to the uplifting joy of a wonderful time of year.
A stylish country single with a fresh, modern day twist. Her performance offers the softness & emotion of a delicate yet experienced leading voice.
The artist’s voice, the vibrant energy of the instrumentation, the honesty – essential elements that make this an easy to enjoy, impressive new collection.
Our subconscious is filled with things we can’t control. The dreams I have are apocalyptic but a byproduct of the fight or flight sociological environment.
You’re not pulled in from afar by some overly loud or boisterous element. Instead, the simple beauty of the music provides a glow that subtly surrounds you.
Not overwhelming you with complex story telling, purely letting the peaceful artistry of instrumentation & the power of the voice create the soundscape.
New Orleans is a magical city but it also has a dangerous side. The black population are so unfairly treated. I wanted to convey the pain the city is in.
The music has both the nostalgia of country rock & the youthful story telling of an artist on the verge of breaking through those mainstream barriers.