Comical creative and Mandarin tutor Kevin McGeary – known to the open mic scene as The Kev – returns this year with a full-length album of original songs. The quirky and alternative set-up and stories of You Can’t Say Anything These Days meander from topic to topic, offering catchy hooks and acoustic backdrops, whilst promising humorous to … Continued
Alongside songwriting strength and structure, the subject matter is refreshingly original, comical but still performatively vulnerable, and presents the very best of Eddie Wang’s uniquely juxtaposed sense of entertainment and appeal.
Brooklyn besties Josh and Charlie, united for life by their passion for absurdist animation and music, showcase the quirky depths of their artistry, with their second single release as Bagel Boys – the heartfelt, humous ballad Gluten Love.
Freely bridging the gaps between hip hop and dance, between comedy and artistic identity, Mr. Riopelle crafts a floor-filler with lashings of personality, for the sexually provocative and undeniably catchy new single Top Era.
“To keep moving forward, every day I set aside a few hours for things that are not urgent, but important. These include reading, exercise, and language study. Sometimes it is hard to squeeze it all in.”
The One makes fine use of shock factor increasingly throughout its lifespan, evolving from the love song to something else entirely as we realise the sheer eccentrics of Steve, the Anxious Rapper.
Re-working the recent hit Old Town Road with a completely new angle but basically the same beat and melody, parody artist The Hairy Sun has taken on the surface level lifestyle of a homeless drug addict – adding comedy and a completely new story-line to what is a notably memorable and quickly recognizable release.
Never an act to shy away from having a little fun when it comes to making music, United Duality’s latest single plays out like a short scene from a movie. The Spanish-inspired musicality offers a quickly entertaining sense of rhythm, then you get a series of lyrics – spoken dialogue & otherwise – and an unexpected structural progression that effectively places the composition in its own creative league entirely.
“I was addicted to codeine for 15 years. That doesn’t give me any more or any less right to write about those things, but why shouldn’t I? I’m making art, and often, art is not pretty. Not pretty, but still beautiful.”
The Edward Show Musics Album is a project that takes you through the struggles & joys of daily life for Edward. He’s a character you won’t forget about any time soon, and the level of detail he offers up is about as unfiltered as can be.