Comical creative and Mandarin tutor Kevin McGeary – known to the open mic scene as The Kev – returns this year with a full-length album of original songs. The quirky and alternative set-up and stories of You Can’t Say Anything These Days meander from topic to topic, offering catchy hooks and acoustic backdrops, whilst promising humorous to … Continued


Freely bridging the gaps between hip hop and dance, between comedy and artistic identity, Mr. Riopelle crafts a floor-filler with lashings of personality, for the sexually provocative and undeniably catchy new single Top Era.

ComedyDanceHip HopPop

Never an act to shy away from having a little fun when it comes to making music, United Duality’s latest single plays out like a short scene from a movie. The Spanish-inspired musicality offers a quickly entertaining sense of rhythm, then you get a series of lyrics – spoken dialogue & otherwise – and an unexpected structural progression that effectively places the composition in its own creative league entirely.

AlternativeComedyFolk PopSalsaSongwriterSpanish