“Just because you’re in a tough position or something isn’t going your way, doesn’t mean that’s the end. You’ve got plenty left in you. Never give up.”
The sound feels all at once nostalgic & fresh, conceptually relevant to a tumultuous 2020, and perfectly in keeping with the original creative expression intended by Lennon.
A beautiful collection of songs that flies high on the wings of its sonic ambition & musicianship & boasts dynamic vocal performances that can flip effortlessly between coruscating & heart-wrenching.
Bringing together the unique talents of HEwas and Afroman, WHOLEthing proves an artistic and rhythmically engaging new single, with a simple yet satisfying melody that quickly weaves its way into your headspace.
Experimental sound-design and a clearly emotive approach to musicianship unite beautifully throughout this ambient, immersive & deeply provocative journey that is Slightly Unhappy Constantly.
Building up immediately from industrial intrigue to explosive, immersive dance realms, Neverend is a heavy & infectious alternative track, which starts off in one style and quickly redirects things as the production & concept increasingly envelop.
Not purely electronic production, but guitars, bass, drums, and plenty of vocal grit. An increasingly passionate outcry in the name of unity & trust.
Introducing a topically poignant album, loaded with the inequalities and injustices that have swamped this past year or so, Tu Pham accesses the issues of the moment in a notably creative, strikingly up-front manner.
From dashes of horn to haunting choruses of voice, the whole thing toys with the very fabric of music production & modern society in one compelling swoop.
Something of a tribal dance project with a welcomed touch of addictive melody & thoughtful, heartfelt writing combined.
The sound a little unorthodox, and this comes to be a known trait of Aveli Amun – creative freedom, concept first, expression utilising whatever’s needed to make the point and set the mood.
There’s something to be said for striking a fine balance between a naturally curious & complex writing style, and the simple weight of satisfying, hard-hitting hip hop & musicality on the whole. Alternate Realities strikes that balance faultlessly.