Rob Georg strikes again with yet another completely unexpected yet addictively enjoyable bit of songwriting. A life-long interest in and love for tattoo art is something shared by many, and this song purely and simply exemplifies and celebrates exactly that.


Watch Out For Me is a great song, with a mighty hook. The whole thing is familiar yet refreshing, skillfully crafted and beautifully, stylishly performed. An incredibly impressive debut, with an equally intriguing, dark yet confident accompanying video.

Alt PopPop

There’s a certain caliber of artistry represented here that extends skyward without limits. Poetry and societal or political relevance intertwine in again subtle manners that slowly but surely paint a clear and striking picture before you. Meanwhile, oppression and struggle are represented visually by various characters locked in fist fights that edge their way around the building.

Alt FolkAlt PopFolkFolk PopSongwriter

Always one to bend and even break the rules in music, Like Lions pushes through the confines of genre and style, leading with a concept and an inherent desire to craft something unique and meaningful. U Got Me makes for a strong testament to precisely these qualities.


While the instrumental set-up feels reminiscent of the likes of Portishead or The xx, the vocal line adds a level of volume and intensity. It’s a powerful performance, one that takes the song from quietly compelling to incredibly emotive and decidedly uplifting.

Alt PopPopTrip-Hop