It feels like wholesome, meaningful music, and that makes it a total pleasure to have play for you. A stunning collection, a definite must for fans of Americana & all of its sub-genres.
Route 358 are a magnificent band, the music is so pure & yet so entrancing at every step. Their songwriting is at the top of its game. An unmissable playlist to see you through so many evenings or long drives home.
The originality of the project has a definite series of threads that keep things relevant, though at no point can you get complacent. The band are doing their own thing and doing it well.
The compositions within this project are sensational. The detail is incredible, the emotions that come through hit with absolute impact. The music envelops you in drama, fear, hope, and possibility.
The further you get into the tracks, the more addictive the sound of his voice & the inherent realness of it becomes. You can’t ignore the realness.
Very few modern artists get so swept away or lost in their performances, at least not so authentically. It showcases the weight & power of true soul, and it gives you something incredibly striking to experience.
Countdown To Sunset is an artist who deals with a number of human emotions in a way that lays bare the truth of each thought or feeling – highlighting, in an authentically pure manner, the imperfections that make up a life.
A totally unexpected EP for so many reasons. The music alone makes for something you rarely come to experience anymore. As things progress, you’re introduced to more & more intricacies & traits of the character behind it all.
You’re likely to find these tracks popping back up in your mind repeatedly for the foreseeable future – the peacefulness of a subtle, gentle ear worm is far more enjoyable than that which forces its way into your consciousness. These are brilliant songs.
The musicianship is superb, as is the creativity. It’s the perfect meeting of the bizarre & the skillful, the unknown & the ever-impressive. The journey the audio takes you on is wonderful, weird, powerful & impossible to predict.
The music is completely refreshing, familiar yet original in essence, loyal to the art that inspired it yet also indicative of a brand new sound. The only thing missing is to witness it all unfolding before you in real time.
The project has a distinct thread throughout that keeps things familiar, though every song brings something unpredictable & quite special to the stage. It’s an interesting collection that really presents a distinct stamp of identity.