AMERIKKKA!!! effectively pierces through the current hip hop landscape with depth, style, honesty and intention.
Michæl Augustine has created a supremely compelling audio journey with this release.
Not merely a welcomed reminder of the live scenes we all know and miss, but a two-birds-one-stone introduction to a unique artist and band with a superb set of songs to their set.
Leading with emotive songwriting and a subtle eighties influence throughout, Land’s new EP Down By This River effectively introduces a band with a uniquely expressive lyrical and vocal backbone.
Violet Tempo’s four-to-the-floor arrangement and high energy kick in amidst a quickly infectious melody, deeply personal yet poetic lyrics, and a vocal lead that offers a notably emotional, refreshing sense of character.
Superb musicianship and faultless, emotionally relevant songwriting – a series of moments beautifully captured in time.
The Haunted North offer up an energizing live rock set – four original tracks, brought to you straight from the stage; complete with raw energy, passion, and that subtle crowd sound to remind you of the better days.
For the hip hop and RnB fans who crave something real, well-crafted yet honest and which speaks to the deeper parts of the human experience, PROMISES more than fits the part.
Bringing together a crisp and classic hip hop sound, with a deeply conscious and topically relevant rap backbone, Abel Meri’s new four-track EP speaks volumes on behalf of both the talent and turmoil that stand tall in 2020.
Perhaps the most eclectic & interesting variety of originals from a singer-songwriter so far this summer. Parmy Dhillon writes from the heart and the depths of the mind, whilst also making sure to be audience aware every step of the way.
Ambient soundscapes and raspy, expressive vocals lay bare a series of deeply personal, revealing story-lines throughout this notably emotive, softly passionate yet dreamlike new EP.
The Harmalators lead with a sound made big during a simpler time, and this song, perhaps more than any other, offers a little insight and understanding as to where they’re coming from with this approach.