Somewhat uniting outright simplicity and fearless complexity, Plastic Triode is tyrannical treat for the ears and the mind. Highly experimental, unlike anything else you’ll delve into this season – the project is a timeless, uninhibited, provocative collection of original tracks, from a talented musician with a clear passion for exploring the unexplored as a sound-designer and performer.

AmbientComposerExperimentalGuitaristNeo Classical

There’s an intriguing vagueness to some of these lyrics, especially given the quiet mix, but always we’re gifted a satisfying hook resolve – a broader statement and light melody, to leave us with a strong sense of possibility and calm than anything else. Authenticity seems to be the driving force throughout the Come Along EP, and by employing that without concern, Scott Keesler has drifted down a road that’s entirely his own.

Indie RockPop PunkRockShoegaze

Introducing a conceptually and musically engaging new EP, from an artist with stories to tell and enchanting, long-form melodies to weave. Nighttime Chronicles depicts a piano-pop to cinematic rock fusion of influences, ultimately led by the smooth and poetic vocal thread of Esteban; an artist committed to the escapism and depth of creative expression.

Alt PopDance PopPiano PopPopSongwriter

Electronic dance producer GIANTHEM – an alter-ego crafted from the name GIANnakis THEMistokleous – creatively intertwines the experimental and the familiar, across a uniquely melodic to euphoric repertoire of original tracks.


Get inspired and awakened, feel better about your day, and be prepared for more than a few sneaky earworms. Mind 3cho celebrates the wonders of the world, through fantastic songwriting and often sublime lyrical prowess, with this unique roller-coaster of an EP.

Pop Rock