The artists involved have embarked upon a collaborative album fusing all the best qualities of their creativity. The result is something quite special.

Rebecca Cullen
The tales told are vast and unusual, and yet, all the while – the music stands alone as everything trance ever set out to be, way back when.
The melodic pattern of distorted heaviness is ever present, and it draws you in – the raw and addictive energy is alive and kicking.
Lyrically expressive in a complex and poetic manner, thoughts outside of the box, expressed with genuine depth and emotion.
There is nothing fake or false; Sarantos prides himself on being a real artist, with much of what it is to be human; imperfections and all.
The band return with a beautifully melodic and instantly classic sounding song, reminding us of everything we first loved about them – and so much more.
Listen to the instruments used; the riffs, the moments when everything plays at once – there’s a real scene built up by all of the sounds and ideas in this.
The guitar throughout sounds sensational, the thick and heavy beat just makes your heart pound and your body groove to the sound of the world in action.
The kind of album you can switch on at the end of a hard day, to let this whole new world of music and thoughts just wash away your troubles for a while.
The beats, the riffs, the flow, the tone & character in the voices – just sensational – everything about this gig was insanely fantastic.
There’s a delightful bit of soul featured throughout, fused in with a whole lot of everything that is modern and new about chilled out electronic music
That’s the art behind songwriting; painting a detailed picture about what you’re trying to convey, in a way that makes your audience feel your conviction.