It’s a deeply thoughtful, unusual & beautiful collection – one of the most interesting & out there releases of the past few years.

Rebecca Cullen
The songs reflect genuine emotion alongside a pleasant & professional musicality. It’s an album you can refer back to again & again.
There’s a blissful after effect to this track, and it’s a beautiful thing. There is something about the transcending of genres that strikes hard.
An opportunity to meet, hear excerpts from the book Thoughts of a Common Man, purchase signed copies, and enjoy a performance from ‘Eye’z’.
A stunning release. Flawlessly mixed, free & fearless. Extremely dark, but beautifully crisp. A must have for electronic music fans.
It’s well written, well structured, and well performed – with that catchy hook to really pull you in.
Something with meaning, delivered in a confident & effortless sounding manner, with a musical soundscape that really allows & encourages you to relax.
The progressive element appears almost instantly. Complex & skillful instrumentals that surround you in thought before even the briefest mention of a lyric.
It’s the music you’d hear a flicker of at the rock bar when you were younger, but it’s yours now, and the presentation is intensely satisfying.
The whole thing works as one, in precisely the way that atmospheric music should. It lets your mind breathe for a while.
The project in it’s entirety features a superb collection of songs & could easily pass for a greatest hits collection. There’s not a wasted moment.
It’s an anthem, by all accounts, with a memorable & addictive hook, but also some very honest & deeply reflective connotations. It’s an important song.