‘You’ll never get your hooks in me,’ sings Huff. That may be so, but these tunes have ensnared me from the outset. It’s mainly the obvious joy at their creation, and the opportunity to show off their wares that has got me so enthusiastic. Fantastic!
Chris Porter
Tend The Fire is a slow-building slice of Americana that adds more and more elements as it progresses. Don’t Keep Me Waiting is a cover originally recorded by McKendree Spring in 1972.
ITCH are a band you’re going to want to scratch again and again. Fearlessly inventive and full of vim and vigour, musical nous and style. Go for it!
Unscathed? I doubt it. We all get a little battered along the way. Here’s a grown-up collection of songs to dip into to accompany us on the ultimate journey…
Starting off in rockabilly, Pale Blue Dot is a highly accomplished, heavy-concept tune that’s all about feel.
Strap yourselves in, because So Sorry isn’t taking any prisoners! A relentless, powerful, guitar-driven behemoth that is taking no notice of any traffic regulations today, thank you.
A stunning collection of moments strung together on a chain of pop nous. Gorgeous.
We Are the People chops along at a healthy pace, and before long you may begin to notice your foot has been coerced into tapping along. Unless of course you are encountering Bucko’s five minute slab of uplifting trance at a venue, in which case you won’t be reading this because you’ll already be dancing.
In Holy Ghost, we have an extraordinary single. It seems to want to ignore conventional structure (and conventional wisdom) to be a stand-alone sonic delight.
Sounding like it could have been culled from Justin Timberlake’s Man of the Woods album (in a good way), What You Didn’t Say is a complex and satisfying single that benefits hugely from the way that Alan’s voice meshes with itself to create a warm and satisfying pad of sound that elevates the chorus to something quite delicious.
I think this song is quite brilliant. It’s entertaining, layered, engaging, wears its empty heart on its sleeve and is all the more powerful the more you think about what you’ve just heard.
A lovely lullaby of country pop, sung gently and with its heart on its sleeve. It’s grown up, and measured, but also moving and emotional – as the honesty behind the piece glows through.