Here we get a kind of early Kings Of Leon vibe. Turn it up loud and the moment rains down with blissful purity.
Without question, the best project from patagonist to date – by far. Honed vocals and bars, good-vibes production, passionate and entertaining performances – a whole lot of boxes ticked and a defiantly strong playlist to lose yourself within.
Breathy vocals and stylish production join forces with addictive contemporary songwriting for this smooth yet emotionally relevant new EP from Aras Moon.
A classic hip hop track, by all accounts, contemporary in its clean finish and the unusual nature of the leading riff, but inspired by the simple hits that stood tall on the back of vocal confidence and a strong ability to freestyle.
Blending contemporary rap and alt-pop melodic tones with an equally modern wash of effects, Melting proceeds to showcase a respectably original, uninhibited creative backbone.

Mr. Faia “Remember to take care of yourself emotionally & spiritually, and to count your blessings.”
“There are platforms for Indie artists to be heard around the world without being signed to a label! How big you get is totally up to the artist and their fans and not a record label.”
One thing that stood out on the last release was The Haunted North’s fine use of contrast and their united ability to shift effortlessly from softness to absolute weight & intensity. Nowhere does this ability shine more brightly than on 21 Grams.
What Smith does is redirect our understanding, and call out to those who are older and have experienced more of life and the world, to let them know they are seen, and they matter – more than ever before.
Following a high-energy, thirty-second introduction, SKG proceeds to spit bars relentlessly yet with a mellow, confident rhythm for the remainder of this new track.
Choose any one of the tracks and the sheer quality and caliber will likely blow you away. Superb and honest musicality – a real treat to let play right about now.
Come Home explores precisely what the title implies – many of us have lost our sense of home, and with it, perhaps our sense of self. The more intently you listen, the more strongly the ideas connect & even enlighten.
Featuring impeccable bars, breathless in some cases, spoken-word style in others, the album manages to be artistically free yet focused – unusual yet professional, and consistently interesting.