Every bar is unique, thoughtful, intelligently framed, and captures affection for its honesty and vulnerability; qualities which are reinforced by the quietly passionate tone of the voice.
The band operate somewhere between the likes of Bad Religion & Papa Roach, but there’s a notably emotive, soulful core to their writing, and the sound has its own clear level of character.
Coming in at under the three-minute mark, Time manages to hit with significant impact – recognisable vocals, an addictive flow, and a multi-coloured ambiance that envelops with ease.
Roaming the contemporary yet stylishly blending in nostalgic RnB, with strong melodies and a video & vibe that offer a clear sense of unity & possibility.
Driving with a brilliantly free creative reach, Isaiah Mclaughlin’s second EP Revolution kicks into gear with an appropriate fusion of industrial rhythms and a notably contemporary vocal-tone and production finish.
Keeping things lyrically fresh, Don Mega impresses with fast bars and a fine balance between rap and melody on this latest single and story-teller True You.
Things soon progress from good to great on the songwriting front, ultimately resulting in a realm that feels partly pop-rock inspired & partly of the Elliott Smith-esque contemplative writing style.
Explosive guitar-work & heavy distortion meet with stylish riffs and a likeable level of space – conceptually & stylistically – as ARRAYS’ brand new album LIGHT YEARS pours into the room.
2020 seems like a fitting name for the short release, showcasing Dfree843 as an artist with a clear connection to music & melody – yet also a distinct knowledge of what currently does well within the hip hop & RnB worlds.
Lo-fi good vibes and the vintage crackle of yesteryear smoothly kick off this brand new project from artist and producer L’artiste.
Following on from the brilliantly creative hit that was 9 Tails, Genesix returns with yet another conceptually enthralling, artistic hip hop release; with a classic, somewhat vintage edge for pure nostalgia.
Introducing a beautifully complex arrangment with a blissfully engaging sense of progression, Private Seemore drive with a masterful command of the space within which the music exists for this powerful new single.