“I would tell artists to become resourceful, be mindful of your business, leverage your network & have fun. Join organizations, listen to music business podcasts. Find the way that works best for you in order to learn & arm yourself with information that can help you in your journey.”
The whole EP has a stunning smoothness to it & in fact, to listen in full is to get the feeling that this is all part of a single thought or feeling. There’s only six minutes to make your way through, but when it ends, you feel the loudness of that silent void quite intensely.
Chucky Orbitz is someone to look out for in music right now. You can hear the soul and the determination in his voice, and you can hear the professionalism in the soundscape. Real Feel is a huge track, but it’s also clearly just the beginning of something even bigger.
The vocal style has a classic feel, taking inspiration from some of the best soul & RnB artists of yesteryear. This approach, when united with such a crisp, colourful, contemporary soundscape as this, makes for a release that seems genuine & likely to reach a wider audience with its accessible tones.
This song takes a little from all of the best places in music – crafting before you an immersive experience, one that works on a purely musical level, as well as reaching out to connect with our inner humanness; our less talked about feelings & connections to one another.
You’re encouraged to look ahead, and even behind – not merely seeing what’s in the here & now, but seeing things much more deeply. Easily worth two or three listens in a row, to make sure every idea & its clever connection to the music supporting it really sinks in.
Rose has the addictive qualities of an alternative hit, complex in terms of the details & the thought that’s gone into it, but simple in terms of the melody & the overall vibe & sound you take away. Undoubtedly a top track from the whole of 2018 so far. Incredibly clever, catchy, stylish, and refreshingly unique right now.
There are bars here, clever lines and soulful deliveries, as well as a clear connection to the art form and to this musical soundscape. The perfect kind of vibe to see you through the remaining quarter of 2018.
As far as independent music goes, the dedication, skill, and sheer enjoyment of the craft doesn’t get much clearer and more enjoyable for an audience than this.
The simple joy of a well written song upon an entrancing musical groove. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear this pouring through via playlists everywhere.
When I’m working with music or performing I forget everything else. It’s my escape room.
The presentation of this topic, the evolving sense of emotion, and indeed the additional vocals that strengthen certain moments in a choir-like fashion – all of this underlines the song’s inherently real approach to expression in a powerful way.