There hasn’t been a track yet from this creative that hasn’t fascinated me, or that hasn’t given off a careful fusion of so many elements that you just don’t seem to come across anymore these days. Absolutely a collection worth exploring.
Imbred’s return this month brings perhaps an even harder hitting display of classic grunge than anything from before. The songs offer a string of single word titles & ideas that provoke a certain level of thinking; personal reflection, consideration of mental health, feelings of isolation & the little things we turn to for relief.
The whole thing builds up from the offset and works hard to surround and embrace its audience. At the final hurdle, The Blackmail Seduction remind you that a real-time gig is the place to be – these songs will undoubtedly explode into new realms of life during a live set. Brilliant songwriting and a pleasure to have fill the room.
Erick Grant offers music fans a stunning set of vocals, the sort that lean back and forth between the almost whispered and the soulful and mighty – even a little reminiscent of Eddie Vedder.
It’s a raw sound, it sounds live – something you don’t get too much of these days. You can hear the band in real time, and the unity between the bass, the guitars, the melody, and the drums – a brilliant performance on the drums – is easy to get on board with.
Stumble upon Increst & be reassured that there are still bands out there pushing for that nostalgic, hard-hitting, emotional & gritty rock sound – the likes of which have felt so out of reach since the days of Pearl Jam & Audioslave.
Whatever opinions you form after hearing just half of any one of these songs, they’re likely to be blown out of the water within a few minutes of hearing whatever else surrounds it. This album is a work of art for modern grunge & rock in general.
A fascinating band who take story-telling to new heights. A sense of change or evolution continues throughout, leading you towards a latter half that’s close to brilliant in how compelling, interesting & musically immersive it becomes.
The live performance is what makes a band ‘real’. The studio is not about real human beings doing anything extraordinary. It’s the careful crafting of symbols & dreams. The real ritual where blood is shed & minds are forever changed; that’s live performance. That’s where you begin to really, truly believe.
Even having heard the project in full, there’s a lot left to the imagination – there are still many questions about the meanings of these songs & the feelings involved in the creative process; as was often the case with genuine grunge & alternative rock music.
Squid Cult’s musical strengths lie in their creativity & their shared passion as a band. Their music is refreshingly full of identity & ideas that feel new & poetic & honest
As a fan of Kid Mud, Built To Spill, Smashing Pumpkins, The Pixies, there’s something about this sort of performance & this style of songwriting that just connects so naturally & authentically.