Throughout this project you get a series of stories that appear close to the songwriter’s heart & experiences in life. It feels personal, but the details are accessible – even vague – so they can easily be applied to the lives of listeners far & wide.
The new collection from Irish trio The Rising titled ‘Moving On’ perfectly blends upbeat numbers and and heartfelt, emotive tracks to create what is easily a contender for album of the year.
Randall Lee Richards’ return brings a huge anti-ballad of sorts, an emotional, powerful song with a strong country backbone and a concept that quickly moves from the aesthetically appreciative to the undeniably honest & concerned.
The chord progression & the organic swagger of the instrumentation create something cool & thoughtful. All of this accompanies the softness of the vocal delivery, these almost whispered moments captivate entirely.
There’s a definite hint of Leonard Cohen about Lorusso Jr.’s songwriting & the sound of his voice. The depth & the emotion, the delicacy & grit, all work smoothly together to give the story-line a certain weight & authority.
A song that rings like an acoustic moment from The Eagles. It has an immediately familiar feel, but the words are brand new – the story-line is fascinating but accessible; the details we remember from the heights of happiness & sadness equally.
The perfect playlist of indie-rock & country fusion, offering both the grit & storytelling of Americana, alongside some superbly immersive soundscapes & unforgettable melodies.
A gentle & mellow-paced pop-rock song that offers a verse melody with a slight & surprisingly grunge-like or Savage Garden vibe about it.
“Social media has been an incredible tool! I can send my music around the world sitting on a spit of sand in the Atlantic Ocean! How powerful is that?”
Alexis Taylor’s vocals are unquestionable, skillful & effortless in portraying both the gentler notes & those loaded with passion & depth. Production-wise too, the finish is crisp & pretty flawless.
He’s giving us direct insight into his process with this release. As a critic, this is fascinating, and as a music aficionado, it’s exciting & different than anything we’re used to in this genre.
Artists like The Jackstones don’t want to make another record that appeases the masses just for the sake of making an A&R department happy, and they don’t have to thanks to the market that indie musicians have built for themselves.