Swampee is an easily memorable & striking song from a band who know exactly how to draw your attention in the rawest, most openly rock & roll way possible.
Blues Rock
Driven by the raw passion & warmth of a band who play for the love of playing, Summers’ Gone makes for an easy going groove that reaches out for the soul, or for those memories of a love that came & went.
Rob Larkin writes & performs from a place of passion & experience, so the finish is always very polished, very well crafted, and simultaneously very natural seeming.
The ideas touch on topics that are likely to be close to heart of many modern day listeners – true to the times, of shared struggle or difficulty. Even so, the band have approached this in an exceedingly comforting way.
A huge track, the music feels like blues-rock, gritty & infectious, energizing, yet there’s a certain effect & tone to the harmonica that moves the whole thing over into some sub-genre of electronic rock & roll.
I’m a firm believer that an album should be a complete thought, from the continuity of the sound through to the order of the songs. A lot of times people will record over a long period of time, which often leads to something that seems disjointed.
This album has everything you need right now – great vibes, great stories, immaculate musical performances. Turquoise Willie shouldn’t be a name you’ll forget any time soon – a project worth investing some time in. Music to make you feel fantastic.
This project is well worth exploring if you’re a fan of the raw edge & entertainment of unforgiving hard rock & blues. The Kings Rising are a band you’ll want to check live should the opportunity arise.
The classic energy of the music is brilliant, the band perform superbly at every moment. The songwriting is wonderful, complex yet accessible, and forever interesting.
It feels like wholesome, meaningful music, and that makes it a total pleasure to have play for you. A stunning collection, a definite must for fans of Americana & all of its sub-genres.
There’s a consistent feeling that a live show would be brilliant – ever changing, always interesting, always emotionally authentic; generally an awesome experience.
Leo Harmonay knows how to make music that makes you feel at home, and this is LHarmonic; through & through. Beautiful, considerate & clever songs, consistently well performed. An absolute pleasure to escape to.