The raw energy of a folk-rock, knees up band – the likes of which you’d catch around the stages of a summer festival – plus this interesting thread of story-telling & some really appealing set-up choices.
Think Band Of Skulls meets Fleetwood Mac. The sound is brilliant, heavy & infectiously melodic – stunning to consider this is all a one-take live show; right there in your living room.
Goodreid pours his soul into the performance, the passion & the sheer degree to which he loses himself within the music is immense.
A refreshingly hard-hitting collection that’s over-flowing with nostalgically infectious rock & roll rhythms & vibes
Oddnote have an incredibly hard-hitting, traditional rock sound that just oozes style & authenticity right now
Dragonfly presents listeners with a defiantly unique, country-rock fusion collection that showcases her characterful vocal delivery & songwriting in a bold way.
The backing vocals have a certain delicacy & this contrasts rather brilliantly with the volume & swagger of those electric guitar solos.
Dirk Schwenk’s songwriting & musicianship carefully walk the line between familiar & fresh. It’s a pleasure to let the songs fill the room around you.
There’s a delicacy to the music but still it manages to hit with impact – the sort of sound that would slowly but surely lure you over to be a part of the moment.
The quality and brilliance of this collection deserves to be heard by so many. Chances are this is still merely the beginning for Sister Speak
San Diego 8-piece The Innocent Bystanders have released this four-track EP comprised of songs written over twenty years ago – reinvented for this project with a fresh touch of modern musicality
Qualifiers brings together multiple layers of organic musical colour with the artist’s own unquestionably genuine sounding voice & stories.