A self-proclaimed rock star with a fondness for rap music, though that’s something of an understatement. A heavy project, skillfully crafted, with volume, depth & delicacy. Worth exploring as the summer months grow closer.

Rebecca Cullen
Totally impressive at every moment, conceptually unusual & interesting, fantastic creative production all round, with flawless performances that add equal parts entertainment & depth.
You settle into the vibe of the exploration quickly. It’s refreshing, but not at the cost of clear skill. The music has a minimalist feel that lets you appreciate how flawless the vocal performance is.
The music is stunning, there seem to be equal parts drama & stillness – the dreamlike & the heavy-hearted come face to face; making you feel at peace & uncertain & energized, all at once.
This meeting of personal reality & the cinematic world of horror works well. The soundscape showcases equal parts of each – the screams, the fear, the detail, and the undeniably emotional, dramatic leading voice.
It’s a pleasure to get to embrace these original works. Hopefully many more people continue to discover & connect with them in the near future.
I like to blur the lines between fiction & reality. While I write about personal experiences in some songs, I also draw inspiration from video games, anime, movies, comics, etc. Taking fictional characters, settings & scenarios and mixing them with real life experiences.
A total joy to listen to, not just because of the wonderful songwriting, but because of the flawless & clearly lost-in-the-moment performances as well.
Mark Rogers is a multi-instrumentalist & songwriter whose debut EP Rearranged offers audiences a warm & partly nostalgic touch of gentle Americana, featuring a string of thoughtful lyrics & enjoyable melodies.
The level of effort & detail on this EP is fantastic, everything has been thoughtfully incorporated & crafted & it makes for a massively enjoyable playlist. Expect big things from this direction.
A huge track, the music feels like blues-rock, gritty & infectious, energizing, yet there’s a certain effect & tone to the harmonica that moves the whole thing over into some sub-genre of electronic rock & roll.
The verses vary in pace & passion, sometimes fitting in with the laid back ambiance, other times taking the heat & energy of the writing to the absolute maximum & really letting listeners know what they’re dealing with.