A calming, colourful look at life, and a positive reminder of both creative freedom and the importance of having fun, not taking things too seriously.


Line undoubtedly is an act set on stirring things up lyrically, offering what no artist has before, and doing so under a professional and skillful musical light. Shocking, uncomfortable, chaotic lyrics ride alongside of pristine ambiances and melodic purity.

Alt PopFolkFolk PopSongwriter

Singer and songwriter APOSTOLA presents the purity of acoustic performance intermittently with the dreamlike embrace of electronic production, alongside the unwavering honesty of intimate, unapologetic songwriting throughout this brand new EP.

Alt PopPopSongwriter

Fantastic – lyrically intriguing, musically satisfying; Akecheta signals the hard-hitting & long-awaited return of the British rock band. Expect big things in 2020.


Featuring smart rhymes, simple references and more complex thoughts alike, the project introduces a rapper with a broad range of influences and a deeply thoughtful writing style.

Hip Hop