Electronic duo Black Lab have crafted a deeply emotive, cinematic beauty for this latest single. From mellow beginnings, soaked in anticipation, a softly expressive vocal rides alongside a wash of synths, a rising and falling riff melody, and a light trip-hop beat, to lay bare a scene – the start of the story. Soon enough … Continued

A quirky concept made relatable and memorable, plenty of energy and bounce, a striking bit of artwork. Off Gate does everything it needs to do, and it does so in a stylish, surprinsgly quiet, non-intrusive manner.

Hip HopTrap

Sniper Girl is fascinating, the verses draw you in with darkness and difficulty, then the hook resolves with a sense of optimism and self-belief – the inspiring notion that better is always possible, regardless of how dire your circumstances may be.

Hip Hop

Blending the immediately joyful simplicity of a spacious, minimalist yet colourful soundscape, with an equally carefree, clean-cut vocal style, Polite kicks into gear with a softly hopeful bounce of good vibes, and it continues to impress unexpectedly throughout its lifespan.

Alt PopHip HopPop

The single hits with a little of that empowering confidence and vocal supremacy that once made waves through the likes of Christina’s Beautiful. Here we get a funky vibe though, a notable level of optimism, and a singer who seems to belong to a rare style these days.
