Art Auré’s latest single is being released to coincide with her birthday. And in the same way we might wish to prolong our own birthday celebrations, Right Now is a party that certainly deserves re-listens.

Chris Porter
“Presenting my fans and the world with a body of work is a musician’s dream.”
“Music comes to me as a story first. All I do is create the emotions of that story through instrumentation. Once the composition is complete and I can hear the track versus the original idea a title is born.”
Rich Latino percussion is always in the wings, with soundscape shifts and dynamic steps coming and going in a manner not unlike streaming two music channels at the same time.
The unique Darla Jade vocal is warm when layered but also has an icy edge when solo, in the vein of, say, London Grammar. The one-note melody on the chorus is remarkably catchy and sung with a precision that such simplicity requires. It develops into warm synth pads that cuddle you through to a counterpoint question-and-answer conclusion that’s a truly satisfying end to an epic chorus.
All in all, Consecration Revival Volume II represents praise, devotion, reverence, gratitude and love in a multitude of different musical guises. If not all of the styles float your boat, there is another song coming along before too long in this 17-strong collection. It’s difficult not to be moved by the conviction on offer.
Very human and organic, in the way that a gardener will always have soil under their nails, JJ Slater sing and play with conviction and heart, with vision and with direction, and will always get under your skin. Impossible to resist.
A nicely disparate collection of songs that flit around the rock genre with some dexterity.
The album weighs in at just over 26 minutes. Not one of them is wasted. Attitude is Everything. Well, maybe. But it’s this reviewer’s opinion that the punk aesthetic certainly doesn’t suffer from being in the hands of musicians as thoughtful and skilled as these.
The Escape Artist EP is imaginative, confident, shiny, layered, complex and stunningly produced, played and mixed. When something like this comes along, it’s time to sit up and take notice.
An uncompromising and beautifully brutal set of tunes that comprises of 20 tracks that must have given the faders and knobs a serious workout.
The whip-smart lyrics and confidence and swagger and unconventional arrangements all feed in to a portrait of an artist with clear ideas and the nous to pull them off.