“Fans who see an artist live have a deeper, more meaningful relationship with the music. It’s just that simple.”
Producer Samuel crafts a blissfully uplifting new playlist for music fans to escape within. Showcasing superb creativity, impressive musicianship, and stunning soundscape design on the whole, Sax and the City kicks into gear with the gorgeous good vibes of In My Head, and refuses to fall below par for the extent of its 13-track playlist.
Josh Elliott’s creative angle is one of a sort of humble artistry, there’s a story to be told, a feeling to be dealt with, and he lets the music do all of that on his behalf.
There’s plenty of room in modern music for songwriters who put so much of themselves into their work – and who manage to maintain a clear and likable thread of individuality at the same time. Love, Future You is a joy to listen to in full.
I think it’s really easy to see through a song that doesn’t come from an honest place, and to me it’s a turnoff. I do my best to write in a way that every word is exactly what I mean to say.
In among a world of squeaky clean, electronically built records, this release brings about the familiar tones of a simpler time for music fans who miss the way that felt.