“I hope people can recognize my pop sensibility in the writing, but also discover something completely new and different in my style.”
“I enjoy the intimacy of performing for people, just me and the guitar – it allows you to connect in a way that feels more open and vulnerable.”
“I’m excited to say that I’m working on my first album that should be released later on this year! I can’t wait for my fans to hear it!!!”
With a new single and video already making waves, we caught up with the one an only Hannah Gold, to find out more about the new track, what inspires her to write, and what her hopes are moving forward. Here’s the conversation in full. * * * Hi Hannah, great to catch up – congrats … Continued
“We all have so many different stories so I can’t wait to see what all of the beautiful people decide it means to them.”
“Producing and doing co-writes with other artists. That’s my day job and what I care about most at this point.”
“I am not the type of songwriter or producer that seeks to decipher industry trends in an effort to anticipate what the audience wants.”
“Presenting my fans and the world with a body of work is a musician’s dream.”
“Music comes to me as a story first. All I do is create the emotions of that story through instrumentation. Once the composition is complete and I can hear the track versus the original idea a title is born.”
“W!G would be considered as having flavors of traditional pop with a modern teen glow within her music.”
“Creature Benny only exists because I wrote some songs, and decided they were worth recording and releasing. And then I actually did it. So do your thing, ‘cause no one’s watching anyway. Get Freaky Nasty.”
“I want to do everything. I want to be everything, and that’s unrealistic at worst and extremely hard at best. But I want to make all kinds of art, all kinds of music.”