In short, Tragedy Channel have crafted something unexpected – something that caters to our desire to re-live the nineties; those alternative rock hits that surprised and satisfied in ways we could never have predicted.
Book Of Shame are categorically an act who skillfully walk the line between eclectic and self-assured – knowing precisely who they are, how they want to sound, yet also offering up a consistently interesting and often surprising album that never once becomes tiresome.
Effected vocals detail an intimate and somewhat harrowing story-line, laying bare a mid-album Nirvana vibe in many ways – these short phrases, rhyming couplets that kick hard and leave plenty of space for reflection in between.
“There is no music scene whatsoever on the Big Island of Hawaii and it is horribly depressing! This place really needs a scene and I hope to influence the younger kids to eventually break one open.”
Easily a band on their own unique trajectory right now, Ukraine’s Vovkulaka bring through a fuzz-thick electronic-rock sound, loaded with distortion, gravel, passion, yet plenty of anthem-like moments of melody and memorable chants.
“Midnight Angels is all bout bringing back that classic rock-and-roll vibe to the present day, while adding a sprinkle of modern day style.”
You’d be forgiven for wondering if this wasn’t a slept on driving ballad from a simpler decade. The intimacy and honesty of the video reflects a similarly nostalgic direction – and it reinforces the natural affection and longing of the writing in a fitting manner.
Kevin Lee and his band of well-practiced, passionate musicians kick into gear with a brilliantly energetic hit of story-telling and classic rock and roll.
Though the opening moments emerge soaked in rock authenticity, the latter half undoubtedly allows hindsight to describe them as softer, milder, and merely a taste of what’s to follow.
The Persian Leaps are an alternative rock band offering high energy and anthem-like, almost noughties indie or BritPop songwriting that runs riot through this new album.
The project’s title-track takes up nine minutes with its powerfully atmospheric intensity and story-line. Layers of heavy metal meet with a tribal rhythm and a vocal soaked in theatrics and strangely intriguing references.
There’s a certain vulnerability and juxtaposing passion to everything they do, which ignites a sense of nostalgia and a renewed belief in the power of alternative rock music.