There’s a touch of underlying sadness, but it’s expressed only by means of a single line – the music is consistently bright & upbeat, the optimism unquestionable, adding to that energizing element & colourful ambiance that keeps you entertained.
As you make your way through the songs on this project, the colour, the concepts, the confusion – it all navigates proudly through deep thought, & it exercises a refusal to simply comply or feed into the rat race of modern life.
A sure-fire contender for the rock playlist. The freshness gives you something new to embrace, the familiarity arouses a sense of nostalgia – both of which work beautifully together.
The structure of the song is unexpected, which makes it appear as quite fresh, and this is definitely one of the best vocal performances so far from PMKS, in my opinion. At over five minutes long the creative drive has been met here with a distinct awareness of how to craft a song.
The songwriting combined with the leading voice are what really make this project stand out. It’s refreshing to hear this genre making waves, what’s even more refreshing though, is how interesting, unexpected, and provocative so much of the writing is.
The music is hugely powerful, it builds & satisfies in the perfectly realistic, alternative or progressive manner that classic instrumental rock should.
This concept of getting over it is so much easier said than done, so the set up of this song works brilliantly in representing the journey through dwelling & on into freedom.
The indie-rock essence is the ability to connect with regular people. The more you hear of this caterpillar analogy or metaphor, the more inspiring it is.
Chemical Refugee’s authentic presentation of hard-hitting, soulful electronic rock is the sort that satisfies in a refreshing & partly nostalgic way.
We need more music like this. The grit & passion remains, but there’s also a feeling of possibility, of a bright future ahead, and that’s greatly valuable.
The music has a definite stamp of identity, the leading vocalist has the perfect rock-meets-EDM tone & performance style to deliver with weight.
Artdayn, the Singing Uber Driver, presents a distinctly fresh fusion of hip-hop & rock. From trip-hop or alt-pop to something much more Linkin Park-like.