Despite the somewhat energetic aura implied by the title, Dance For Me is a surprisingly mellow track – a laid back groove and a distorted bass-line help craft something fairly characterful yet undoubtedly rooted in the pop sounds of a simpler time.


The stylish and confident performance that drives this track – on top of the crisp and manically fresh beat – is one that shines all the more brightly when accompanied by the official video.


There was never any question as to how well they could produce & perform music, or write songs for that matter, but as time goes by it seems they delve even deeper into their own journeys & stories. As a listener, it’s a total pleasure to be able to share in that & build a connection as it shines through in their music. This is going to be a big year for The Keymakers.


The PoeticRockstar unleashes a brilliantly crisp and cool RnB vocal style on this latest single Energy. The classically smooth beat accompanies each vocal beautifully, flickers of electric guitar help light up the outer edges in an organic manner, and meanwhile that opening voice makes certain to draw you over for its refreshingly raspy yet clear-cut tone and delivery. 


As an artist, the cover shows an ability to adapt and to embrace the moment and the music to the fullest. With future releases hopefully that sense of character will come through, and this single could well be a foot in the door and an introduction to the sound and the artistic mind-set that gets listeners coming back for more.


The vibe is easy to relax within, so the words reach out and connect in an instant, and this grows more powerful as the track moves along. Night Drives is an impressive release and more than worth a listen at volume to catch the true essence of the concept and the mood. 


ShadowHood has written a classic and somewhat vintage-style song, one that’s refreshing to listen to right now – nothing fancy is needed, nothing unnecessary, no filler – just natural songwriting and musicianship. Worth a listen, particularly for those who are loved up this Valentine’s week.


Carefully balancing gentle organic funk with an electronic lightness, built by delicate and warmth synths, Rick Habana offers up the perfect bit of audio escapism to get listeners feeling geared up for the brighter months. 
