Grinded Grin hold nothing back and refuse to adhere to expectation or industry standards with this aptly-titled album Reset. Taking their time to craft uniquely ambient soundscapes around the listener, the band offer an original fusion of various musical angles and genres.


It’s hard to put a flavor label on exactly what EverIgnite’s particular strain of rock is, but if I had to describe it – it’s everything rock has been in the last thirty years, aged to perfection & served smooth.

Hard RockMetalRock

Monkey Mind are a band who showcase a creative fusion of classic, progressive rock & something a little more nu-metal-inspired. Their self-titled EP drives with impressive musicianship & cleverly contrasted performances that hold tight to your interest & allow heavy hook sections to hit with impact.

Alt RockMetalRock

The whole concept could either be deeply metaphorical or completely, sadly literal. This is metal of course, so perhaps both play a part in the truth. As a debut in particular, Trigger is a hard-hitting, expressive & really well crafted track.

Hard RockMetalRock