Life-long musician and early grunge pioneer from the Seattle area Kevin Wood has played in a plethora of bands over the years. His catalogue spans the decades and showcases an unquestionable connection to rock musicianship. We caught an interview with him to dig a little deeper into his journey and experiences across the musical eras. … Continued


Complexity combines with pile-driving power to root the song to the floor. The fact that the band switch effortlessly between pedal-to-the-metal and snatches of full-on syncopation makes Backsheepish an exhilarating, adrenalin-soaked listen.

Garage PunkGrungePunk

From lyrical weirdness through uninhibited musical expression, Can’t Wait consistently keeps listeners engaged, often on their toes. Contrast is utilised brilliantly, droning moments of quiet desperation are juxtaposed by sudden passionate outbursts and increasing tempos.

GrungePunkPunk RockRock

The whole set-up feels brilliantly nostalgic, awesomely passionate – proceeding to whisper then scream out on behalf of your anxieties; always melodically, always with a certain poetic lyrical intention that again feels genuinely new.

Alt RockGrungeRock