The craftsmanship is where the strength lies, this is a piece of audio to be experienced – the movement carries you along, the ideas provoke deep thought, and all in all you get that authentic, alternative trip-hop edge that is all too absent from mainstream music of late.
These very earthly sounds are in stark contrast with the cosmic sounding synth, but it all somehow works together in the most interesting way.
Aurora has an addictively peaceful & inspiring ‘aura’ about it (for lack of a more relevant word). It’s consistently interesting, and it lets your mind wander so far from your current reality.
Rolands Cibulskis is an artist doing his own thing entirely, producing music that is unique, decidedly original, free-flowing, and quite striking.
Originally intended as the soundtrack to a film entitled Monad, which sadly never saw the light of day. Fortunately, IX saw the crime in keeping these tracks unreleased, and so – this unique & rather brilliant album was born.
Fear is not very me. I’m like a positive tornado wrecking all the negative shit that’s out there. You could put me in front of an active nuclear bomb & I would dance & sing to it. Fuck that bomb, this is my moment.
The music is stunning, there seem to be equal parts drama & stillness – the dreamlike & the heavy-hearted come face to face; making you feel at peace & uncertain & energized, all at once.
It’s a pleasure to get to embrace these original works. Hopefully many more people continue to discover & connect with them in the near future.
The passion is unquestionable, the pauses within the musicality add to the drama & intensity, yet the crisp, flawless & satisfying way in which everything meets back up afterwards keep things impossibly flush & tranquil.
Jagged Weather is a journal or sonic synopsis of my first 11 months transitioning from male to female. It deals with the stress of acknowledging the rift that exists between your internal sense of being & how the outside world perceives you.
The older I get the more I find my inspiration in my memories of youth. I know it’s a bit sentimental, but trying to recapture those first musical emotions that possessed me when I was young puts me back into my creative zone.
A work of art, as close to cinematic as music gets, and without question an album that is quite incomparable and likely enjoyable for audiences with many different musical preferences.