Whether it’s the light hearted & fun side of the songwriter’s work, or the more intimate & emotional; these hooks have impact.
As a musician, it’s impossible to question the level of skill Chris Murphy has achieved through playing & exploring sound so creatively & so consistently.
The grit & the realness is beautiful, the effect of the songs is multiplied due to these performances & this inherent, undeniable passion.
The raw energy of punk rock with the easy going realness of acoustic folk. It’s an organic sound that generally comes across as part of a live show.
Not just an appealing, straight to the point album title, but the doorway to a vibrant & beautiful gathering of songs from a passionate songwriter.
The crisp & heavy hit of country rock & roll explodes into action. The band have a clear knowledge & passion for the intricate style & skills of the genre.
Joshua has the feeling of being an instant classic, a timeless, uplifting & inspiring piece of music to refer back to again & again.
These attentive observations come partly as metaphor, partly as reality. There’s a distinct presence of sadness, but it’s quite empowering to hear.
The artist’s vocal performance has a wonderful warmth & strength to it. The song is well written with enough quirky, unique character to make it stand out.
Unique & energising songwriting. Some real moments of bliss, some real gems that deserve to be heard by all. Well worth a listen.
The great thing is that these seemingly personal topics have been made accessible & relevant to most who will listen. A sign of an experienced songwriter.
The world has little to do with matters of the heart. It’s nothing but circumstance, and circumstance is a catalyst for choice. We always have a choice.