An easy must for fans of cleverly crafted, interesting, endlessly enjoyable songwriting. Ann Taylor’s voice has a soothing quality to it that works beautifully as the driving force behind the writing.
I’m finding myself increasingly inspired by 2018’s array of new musical offerings. Wildest Dreams is a beautiful addition, a wonderful song with a full, vibrant musical set-up & a central sentiment that seeks to uplift & motivate you to aim a little higher.
What first appear as specific details unrelated to anyone else, later become the building blocks of your own version of life experiences or memories. It’s a strong way to write.
There’s a lot more to this project than the infectious vibrancy of the opening track tends to imply. The music is beautiful, the leading vocalist has something special that draws you in & keeps you listening & believing.
A total joy to listen to, not just because of the wonderful songwriting, but because of the flawless & clearly lost-in-the-moment performances as well.
Mark Rogers is a multi-instrumentalist & songwriter whose debut EP Rearranged offers audiences a warm & partly nostalgic touch of gentle Americana, featuring a string of thoughtful lyrics & enjoyable melodies.
Showcasing the best in poetic story-telling & musical prowess, this album – originally called “Trump Songs for Leonard Cohen” – gives audiences a relevantly Cohen or Dylan-esque playlist of uplifting darkness & provocative reflections on life.
The classic energy of the music is brilliant, the band perform superbly at every moment. The songwriting is wonderful, complex yet accessible, and forever interesting.
It feels like wholesome, meaningful music, and that makes it a total pleasure to have play for you. A stunning collection, a definite must for fans of Americana & all of its sub-genres.
Leo Harmonay knows how to make music that makes you feel at home, and this is LHarmonic; through & through. Beautiful, considerate & clever songs, consistently well performed. An absolute pleasure to escape to.
The two artists offer so much passion & skill, their performances are mesmerising. The detail is beautiful – a carefully crafted single that has been so well captured you can listen on repeat & not get tired of the unfolding mightiness & magic.
This feels like a long lost hit from a simpler time. The beat & the vibrancy, the build up to the hook, the hook itself – all of this works in the way that mainstream music does. The added benefit is that this feels totally alternative right now.