Rock Bottom has, at its heart, an epic sensibility that is screaming out to be synced to a film – probably over the end credits. Yep, it’s that good. It might be a slightly quirky take on indie pop, but that’s exactly what indie pop should be. This track is essential listening.


It sounds like an intentional anthem to me: full of aspirational language, flourishes of gospel ad-libbing and a choir of supporting voices adding warming colours that bloom into the arrangement as the piece progresses. Come on, America – you’d better do as it says.


The beautiful vocals on California Sunset mark Art Auré out as an exceptional and singular vocalist. The vocal range on display is highly accomplished, ranging from surprisingly low and intimate to fresh and impassioned, and the different vibrato speeds and incredibly elastic control are also extremely impressive.


Channeling Avici-style vibes, Take Me Back is an uptempo adrenalin-soaked rush through the sort of nostalgia-soaked lyrical adventures that have done very good business in recent years.


From a distance, there’s a simplicity to the sound – an easy pop groove that lights up the room as it should. The closer you get though, the more intently you listen, the taller those personal details and that truthfulness stand amidst the ambiance.


The combination of drums, piano, acoustic guitars and synth strings are arranged in a perky, staccato style that keeps proceedings marching along and provides punchy accompaniment to the smoothly-sung vocals. This is not painting by numbers, there’s some smart choices being made.


The sweet orchestration of the track; the masterful blending of strings and acoustic guitars is reminiscent of singer-songwriters like Boo Hewerdine, erstwhile of The Bible. The percussion elements are a very welcome addition, too – adding a little drive to proceedings – but the major feeling here is one of reflection and contemplation. Dive in and have a soak.


You can hear Emi Jeen’s connection to the lyrics, you can feel the energy with which she addresses the details; this grows and grows, right the way through to the final moments of the final verse – and then you get the calming drop to the hook once again, bringing you back down to earth.
