Getting on a mic & just saying things you don’t feel or understand is going to result in a bad & not genuine song. Being honest & doing what feels right sonically or lyrically when making a song has really helped me a lot.

Rebecca Cullen
Lil Tomahawk offers a laid back approach to modern hip hop, fusing rap and melody in a carefree way that suits the simple echo and loop of the musical backdrop pretty well.
The band seem to be capable of any kind of live show, the performances and the details, the unity between all involved – incredibly impressive no matter the pace or the style of the song.
This album is immense. Even if it were the work of a band, the sheer creative energy, passion & detail is enough to blow so many other rock acts out of the water right now.
Things vary throughout, keeping you interested & creating something genuinely artistic & dramatic before you. It’s an interesting album in a number of ways, but it’s also quite easy to simply let play – a well suited project for those late nights that seem to never end.
Beautiful chaos.. the band succeed entirely in winning you over. For a mere two-track EP, Hectic is an intense & unforgettable playlist of pure musical power. saajtak is a name worth looking out for.
It’s very easy to lose yourself in this moment, in the music, the whispers, and the ideas presented. As described within – We are all a part of it…
Spike’s voice has a traditionally rock-ready tone, so to hear this broken down performance, among talk of the evil of men – it hits with an additional level of pain.
There’s an unusual level of eclecticism on this project – the harder hitting rap tracks contrast cleverly with the more tentative, delicate ones – something you don’t often come across, particularly within such a short project. Flowasis has some big moments & is respectively creative from start to finish.
It’s a raw sound, it sounds live – something you don’t get too much of these days. You can hear the band in real time, and the unity between the bass, the guitars, the melody, and the drums – a brilliant performance on the drums – is easy to get on board with.
The backdrop is brilliant, the organic bounce of the music is fresh & fits the vocal confidence & style here perfectly well. Some of the best lyrical observations come through, complete with clever wordplay & more than a few memorable lines.
This EP is insane – every song is an epic anthem of classic rock, but it’s also never quite as you’d expect. Strangely Alright aren’t afraid to fill the moment with creativity & unpredictable instrumentation. A brilliantly well presented, uplifting collection that marks a huge moment in the band’s journey.