Having first hit our radar back in 2020 with his evocative hit just 4 u, Mitchell Zia takes on a whole new persona and style with the supervillain EP, leading with deep and characterful vocals, through a series of theatrical indie arrangements that tell stories and entertain in a boldly distinct way.

Rebecca Cullen
A huge celebration both in topic and style, Eyþór Alexander & Flammeus put in a phenomenal performance here, and deliver a single that’s not only a timeless and creatively distinct gem, but a perfectly-placed, theatrical big-band release to warm up the colder seasons.
Self-described as a ‘Third Culture Kid’, Martin was raised in Japan by French and Filipino parents. His unique cultural heritage often pours through in his music, reflecting on a distinct upbringing and mindset, whilst stylistically paying tribute to legendary songwriters like Tracy Chapman, Joni Mitchell, and James Taylor.
Acoustic guitar, quirky by riff but familiar by groove, backs up the intimate folk-pop vocals and contemporary lyrics of Tessa Dalton’s new single Hit the Lights. It’s a humble beginning, rising towards a bright pop single, with a catchy thread of melody and a clear sense of personality at it’s core.
David Ratmoko’s breadth of influence is unrivalled, and the cinematic weight and melodic euphoria of Adagio Five appears to perfectly encapsulate that strength of identity and artistic flair.
At long last, ’tis the season for good vibes, togetherness, and simple celebration. On that note, original Christmas songs are always something we secretly crave at this time of year, and songwriter Martin Manley has crafted one that’s a natural gem.
Songwriter and artist Kampaign Gold continues to create with a certain fearlessness in modern music. His versatility shines from one track to the next, the upbeat energy of Girl Like You followed by the distinctly intimate, acoustic and vulnerable tones of his more recent single Always There.
Cascading keys of a fast-paced neo-classical aura guide listeners through the inescapable grip of nostalgic, cleanly-crafted drum and bass – Austrian producer God-Rick is a self-defined newcomer to the game, but the precision and passion of this release is nothing short of a superb introduction to his sound.
With dozens of episodes uploaded, from parenting advice to health tips and career advancement, by way of in-depth discussions and interviews with professionals in a variety of fields, the Mindset Reinvented podcast is refreshingly accessible.
Driving with a quirky but catchy hook, alongside a strong groove that’s unique but well rooted amidst the summertime bounce of afrobeat and dancehall, Kume launches a smooth and creative new single, in the form of the naturally memorable Whiskey.
May the original and organic songwriters of our time take the lead in the coming months and years, the AI gap is still vast enough to keep realness at the forefront, and hopefully that authentic connection will remain in the hands of creative humans. Listen to all original music from Neil Fergus here.
Slim Labidi relights the summer vibes, with the instantly catchy and uplifting groove and melody of Caliente En La Pista.