Placing lyrical weight into the darkness of negative space & emerging with an absolute & unspeakably heart-wrenching gift. I can’t say much more, it deserves to be heard first. More importantly, you owe it to yourself to hear it.
The guitar work is perfect, simple yet effective, instantly recognisable after even just a single listen. Soon enough, the song’s lyrics start to take hold, sinking in with the emotional depth of something incredibly real & heartfelt.
Authentic music will always find an audience. I really think there’s an appetite & pent up desire for something authentic, and I’m sure it’s out there somewhere. I’ve heard bands lately, and I can’t figure out why they bother. And don’t get me started on tribute bands.
From the kid in the basement trying to get the fingering just right on his new B.C. Rich, to the hardened metal-head listening for the thousandth time: Wicked World is bound to be the track kept on repeat for the better part of the summer, and kept at the top of the playlist for good.
I have serious doubts about the future of rock & roll. I don’t really hear anyone doing it. It’s a lot of DJs & rappish kind of stuff, singing to a backing track or jam bands & tribute/cover bands, which I don’t get at all. It’s like why would you go see people playing other people’s music?
The music moves you, every song has some sort of emotional effect, which by the end leaves you feeling as if you’ve just completely re-evaluated your existence & are ready to take steps in a new direction.
Where to start? This song has all the aspects of something you’d blast in your car for hours. Dense story-telling, intense instrumentation, a catchy hook. When the vocalist is not performing, the music never sounds empty or deserted. A lot of releases don’t have that benefit.
The only thing more powerful than the performance is the writing, and surely the only thing better than listening to Dirty Machine – is seeing them live.
Guilting not only the guilty, but the ignorant; Intimidation Doll seeks to make domestic assault everyone’s business. With a song as well constructed, incredibly conceived & musically adept as this, PMKS have every chance to make that happen.
The three members bring a sort of energy to their aptly named band, certain to get audiences out of their seat & possibly onto their table – head banging like a caffeine addict & true rocker.
Suburban Wildlife is a project that won my affection within just a few seconds. The crisp, warming sound of an acoustic guitar, a smooth & genuine leading voice, a comforting melody & a series of lyrics that offer both imagery & human reflection – what’s not to like?
In among the excitement & chaos of this track are one or two magnetic lyrics that refocus you quite instantly as they explode into the room. RGF have a classic, carefree, passionate punk-rock sound that feels totally nostalgic right now.