Trickling into the room with a distant heavy drum and a vocal choir set to leave their melody lingering in your head long after the experience is over, Top Of The Earth sets itself up to be an absolute anthem for the rising stars that are Kings Of The Earth.
Powerful and infectious in a classic rock and roll fashion, yet stylish and secure enough in its own methods to pour through with a definite level of character and intention.
Aratrea have found a style of their own in the modern music world. Characterful vocals and a unique, unpredictable melody feel mildly reminiscent of the likes of New Radicals, fusing in an unorthodox fashion with cascading electronic synths and contrasting dashes of rock and roll grit.
“I’m a three-time AAU Junior Olympic medalist in Tae Kwon Do. One gold, and two bronze. Martial arts helped make me who I am.”
Colorado rockers Dirty Snowman Society meet the intrigue and appeal of their band name with a style of songwriting that’s equally refreshing and consistently reflective of a band with a unique perspective and approach to creativity.
Things build, they twist and turn, and the latter half completely envelops its audience in a huge moment of intensity and anthem-like melody combined.
Adopting a brilliantly colourful and energetic, punk-pop performance style and set up, Life As Mary’s latest release is easily one of their most attention grabbing and memorable to date – an impressive achievement, considering how catchy and likable all of their releases have been so far. Time Is Out offers up an addictively enthusiastic fusion … Continued
Black Income are insanely good at what they do. Rock has been hinting at making it’s return to the mainstream in recent years, but this release marks its official move from a hint to an absolute promise.
Complete with stunning flickers of guitar work, thoughtful lyrics, and just enough vocal personality to add further to that inherent sound and style that is quickly becoming known as BEINIR – Drowning In Melody is, for lack of a better term in the heat of the moment, an absolute tune.
Imbred always writes with his truth – always, without fail; it’s a rare and commendable trait. This album therefore arrives with a certain air of purity and honesty that just naturally flows through, and with that – the music stands a little taller.
The band set things up with style, progressing with endless levels of flair & ability. Their unity is on form, the music is ready & waiting to be that addictive little anthem that gets you geared up to take on the world with the best possible energy.
Emerging with something of a classic driving rock ballad vibe, Flame is a quickly addictive and familiar piece of music and writing, though with a notably poetic back-bone that lays out a series of detailed images and scenes that perfectly suit the emotion and energy of the music.