Lukas Pawluk’s album High Seas introduces an eclectic range of collaborations & sees the artist wander creatively through various sub-genres of rock & metal – all the while leading with beautifully poetic, compelling songwriting. This is defiantly a collection worth revisiting again & again..
Without a doubt, Another Day Dawns is the next truly great rock band.
Away From The Silence is more than just an album, this is a conceptual journey through a specific story-line – one that brings together fiction and genuine reflections on life and the realities we build in our minds.
Pulsating rhythms are met with growling screams that all culminate in one of the sickest guitar solos of recent memory.
If Ackerman’s guitar playing is fire, then Resurrection’s vocal is ice. Down From Above is two opposing forces of nature that have somehow come together to create a seductive piece of art in Where Angels Fall. It’s a beautifully destructive track that’s enticing in its mysterious uncertainty.
Can’t See You Without Me is a totally unusual and subsequently fascinating song that sees Voltanas pour his honest perspective into the process in a raspy and sleepy fashion.
Let The Fire Burn is a beautiful track, one that leans back and forth between near-silence and distorted intensity – making the most out of effective contrast, and keeping the story-line and the emotion alive and well at all times.
“Countless nights I’ve been wide awake in my home studio at 1 or 2am working on the album knowing my alarm for work is going to go off in a few hrs, so it can get hard, but we make time for what we love to do.”
The aptly titled project seems partly like an audio book on occasion, the music merely supports and enhances the underlying ideas presented by the conversations and spoken word segments within. As things progress, the band’s creativity and connection to the metal genre grows more and more apparent.
The members of Iron Core have an incredible talent to craft deceptively catchy rock tunes that, much like their inspirations, are just dripping with attitude and sex appeal, and are just a whole lot of fun.
Genre and stylistic labels aside for a moment, Jonni Lost drive with superb songwriting on this EP – Hang On is an immediately likable song that quickly grows to be an addictive and rather unforgettable track; with timeless qualities.
The band tick so many boxes when it comes to music as both freedom from turmoil and a blanket of understanding and acceptance.