Clever & effective songwriting, it satisfies as all great music should, and furthermore – it highlights the work of an experienced & thoughtful songwriter.
The hook is strong, bright sounding & memorable. The words are easy to learn & the result is a very heartfelt & thoughtfully crafted song.
There’s hope & sadness, quiet & chaos, much like life itself. A stunning collection of songs, with a sublime array of musical prowess & moving performances.
The song is openly declarative of the songwriter’s true feelings. An honest & proud dedication to a faith, and everything plays a part in reinforcing this.
The instrumental sounds throughout are varied & always interesting. There’s a definite sense of personality, and this makes it all the more enjoyable.
The fuller instrumental arrangement actually supports & compliments the power of the vocal & the feeling behind the lyrics superbly. It sounds incredible.
My structure is simple; well placed instruments with well placed vocals. I use the Kiss Method in song writing – Keep It Simple, Stupid.
The songwriter puts forth a creative energy driven by his own passion & thought process. The music is striking – warm, comforting, yet always unpredictable.
This month Jode was signed to The Animal Farm label in preparation for recording his next EP in January; a wonderful bit of news to help wrap up 2016.
While I want people to enjoy my songs, they’re a part of me. A painter doesn’t paint to gain financial reward. He paints to express his creativity.
It’s always a pleasure to discover something genuinely unique in nature. The fusion of genres here is undeniably fresh, and it works – it’s great music.
“The music business never stops changing. It is easier to reach people, but definitely harder to keep their attention.”