An increasingly impressive band. The live show is undoubtedly where things would really connect, but in terms of seeking out that album or playlist within which you can immerse yourself and feel involved in something, perhaps even understood; this collection is everything you could hope for.

AmericanaBlues RockGrungeRock

Let’s start this off with a big thank you to Thomas Resurrection for keeping the gravel and grit of soulful blues-rock alive. DIRTY is one of a few recent releases that present his sound in a memorable yet partly nostalgic manner.

Blues RockGrungeRock

Chris Ising gives country music a blues-rock revamp with this latest single Stomp. The title matches the content pretty well, the song bursts into the room with distorted weight and melodic vibrancy – alongside of a clear and consistent energy level perfectly well designed to uplift and motivate. 

AmericanaBlues RockCountry