A self-proclaimed lover of guns and gear, Dyer also has a deep-running passion for tactics – smart thinking, detailed plans, knowledge and understanding; all of which helps make this a captivating go-to.
Virra Marketing’s Rap Rotation playlist on Spotify is now open for submissions. Any and all aspiring hip hop artists and producers are welcome to submit music.
From reasons why you’re unhappy, to never accepting mediocrity, Michael celebrates possibility, self-belief, and the fact that a better, brighter tomorrow is waiting for all of us.
There’s a certain intimacy to this show that helps it really stand out from its peers. There’s a level of depth, which far transcends the label of topical or pop culture podcast.
Missed a game or a big moment? Let the guys fill you in. From predictions to hindsight, opinions through facts, The Morning Spill is well on its way to being a respected sports after-show.
Really unique, professionally put together, insightful, and a real pleasure to listen through. Decorating Pages opens up a world of truth and allows listeners to gather a stronger understanding of the world of TV and film.
Well-crafted thirty-minute episodes with plenty of personality, Low Key Trash is a fresh-faced indie podcast with a likable, nostalgic aura.
Celebrating justice, fairness and truth, above all else, the Podcast keeps its values at the heart of everything it takes on.
Hosting an unmissable event on January 11th – 2020: An Attic Odyssey – Offering the raw cellar-bar aura of a classic music venue, The Murray Attic makes for the perfect setting to experience the live power & volume of rising contemporary rock bands.
TV’s Forbes Riley hosts the eclectic and inspiring, motivational podcast The Forbes Factor, a show designed to uplift and energize listeners whilst advising them on the best, tried and tested tools for health, wealth and happiness.
Music is an integral part of a film. It helps the audience to understand the story-line as music portrays a situation better than words. It stays in memory for a longer period of time, and it ultimately helps a film become loved and remembered.
Taking a step by step approach, easily accessible and perfectly accustomed to mid-level learners as much as absolute beginners and those who know nothing about singing, the course is ideal for aspiring vocalists across the board.