An ever creative and impossible to pigeon-hole Rico Friebe redirects fans immensely, with the euphorically electro-soaked and cinematic fullness of a conceptually provocative Anthems For A Lost Generation.

Rebecca Cullen
Episodes of Courage2Challenge are just five minutes in length, and still manage to hit with impact and influence that lingers. These segments, backed by soothing, solo instrumental music, can fit easily into any part of your day – almost like meditative moments of stillness; a chance to take a step back and reassess how you react to the world and your own thoughts.
One year on from the rise of his uniquely honest project Hard 2 Luv, we caught up with the ever versatile rapper and artist Brandonrxse. Currently immersed in the making of another full-length project, Brandon reflects on his past work, his changing inspiration, his ambitions, and plenty more. Here’s the conversation in full. * * … Continued
The UK’s own Lord Sparky England has recently launched a beautifully impassioned project called The 7 Sins. The EP delivers precisely what its title implies, seven stories and songs that each directly relate to one of each of the renowned sins.
BROKEN is their latest single, an impressively soulful, ethereal realm of voice and expression that’s equally powerful in its metal roar and distortion.
Obsolete is the new release, a soaring rock soundscape both cinematic and organic in equal parts, with softly enchanting vocals relaying complex thoughts that connect on a profound level.
Created by artist and musician Fritz, the project takes influence from the nostalgic soundtracks of Tony Hawks Games, and gifts that influence a twist of contemporary storytelling and a fresh edge of personality.
Producers Michael Tennant and Nathan Prince host The Upstaging Gentleman – Chasing Theatrical Dreams, a Podcast devoted to exploring the art of theater and all that comes with it.
An industrial whirlwind of sound – cascading synths, melodies, harmonies and a rhythmic robotic stomp of a rhythm – the iconic Isaiah Mclaughlin returns, with the aptly-titled, extensive conceptual album Reincarnation.
Performatively nostalgic, the song has the anthemic energy and production quality of a nineties power ballad, elevated all the more so by the equally retro dance design of the soundscape. The energy builds, and both Veronica’s delivery and the musical set-up creatively reinforce that evolution.
“I was selected for the Grammy’s in the producers and engineers wing 5 years ago and that was a huge accomplishment as an indie artist! #blessed”
Kyle Jaymes is unmistakable as an artist, and refreshingly authentic and humble at the very same time. His songwriting and musicianship consistently promise versatility from one track to the next, but always that central voice, in lyric, structure and tone, remains distinctive.