Vehement punk rock with an edge of metal and an unrelenting tempo – Kārtël raise the volume and the pulse, with the topical and stylistic grit of a Spanish-sung Punaladas.
New York--USA
Beautifully creative musicianship and a faultless yet versatile flow lights up the conceptual depth and fearless honesty of this new album from rapper and artist Rroku.
Standing tall on the back of a brand new album, a two-track single release, and another upcoming album, DownTown Mystic continue to provide a solid example of the importance and value of uniting creativity, passion, and work ethic, in order to build a strong and growing audience.
Beginning with acoustic fingerstyle but ultimately featuring a full-band set-up, One More Chance welcomes Robert Allen on vocals, guitars and percussions, Bruce Engler on lead guitar, P.J. Farley on bass, and Tommy Mastro on drums.
Beginning with a Content Warning, the album sets out to explore the story of a girl who attempts to commit suicide, but winds up immersed in an Alice in Wonderland-style adventure – within which she’s forced to confront her mental health demons. It’s a dark topic, but broadly relatable, and the album is loaded with imagery and ideas that feel hopeful and optimistic in contrast with the desperation at its core.
Piano-pop with evocative vocals and subtle cinematic production – Lukas Bay delivers an uplifting ode to heartbreak, with the relatable and distinct Fool.
“I scoured the internet for curators, podcasters, and also set up advertisements on social media sites, and all that. The results of all this will have to wait, but I’m excited to see it!”
Always a dangerous word to throw around in a relationship, Irrational is a song that explores the genuine issue of overreacting to minor situations, but it does so in such a joyful bounce of a way that it almost feels like a compliment.
Punk Rock and Pop creatively intertwined with a welcomed twist of Folk, an accessible story, and a set of visuals that quickly lift the mood – New York fourpiece heavy on the heart. bring the anthemic escapism back to modern rock, with the infectious and relatable Smokin’ All The Weed.
Back once again with an inarguable showcase of unwavering devotion to the craft, Jaydii collaboratively masters the space with Supreme Khay, alongside production from the one and only Blvff, for the six-track EP NAHIMASTAY.
An audio journey to lift you from your lull – Yun Fei crafts an all-consuming work of art; organic layers of oriental instrumentation and tribal rhythms, presenting an uplifting and aptly celebratory listen, for Glory.
“I’d say I make music for humans. Like, you can’t put me in a box. I just feel it’s unrealistic for someone to be in the same mood all the time.”