2019 Hits Hard – The Best Of Brand New Rock – Punk Rock, Metal, Hard Rock, Everything from the roar to the solo to the manic drums… We’re Loving This One.. Turn It Up Loud.
Untimely Podcast is a new independent podcast that deals with various recent or historical events that ultimately resulted in death & destruction. The show’s host presents with a matter-of-fact yet delicately descriptive style, holding your interest in a natural way, and drawing necessary attention to these tragedies – so that listeners leave with a sense of awareness, understanding, and gratitude.
The Peace Project with Nathalie Croix aims for global & intergalactic equality through celebrating diversity one Earthling at a time.
Metaphysical & spiritual topics ranging from dreams to angels to connecting with your Higher Self. * * * The Down To Earth Spirituality Podcast is one that directly addresses and involves the listener in a welcoming and comforting fashion. It deals with the very topics implied by the title and indeed by the name of … Continued
This month sees Cardiff’s biggest night for music back for it’s third year in a row. The Cardiff Music Awards returns on Friday 29th March, from 6:00 pm – 10:30 pm at Tramshed- promoting & celebrating the very best of the cities music scene. Tickets are just £15.
The Dubler Studio Kit utilizes advanced vocal recognition AI to pick up & transform what you create with your voice – making that very first breath of an idea all you really need to start building your track in full. Check out their Kickstarter Campaign today.
The Shane and Brando Show is 37 episodes in and counting, and neither Shane nor Brando are showing any signs of losing their sheer joy for and randomness within the podcast.
Never has a Podcast’s title been so delightfully accurate regarding the contents of the show. Even the first minute of each episode of Random seeks to fulfill the very essence of that word.
“From my onstage vantage point, it was a beautifully organized chaos that seemed to have no end in site, but Redman was down for every minute of it. It felt like one big happy family at the end of the night, and nothing but love resonated through the building.”
Jesse talks about financial freedom and the necessary climb through various failures in order to get there. His openness is fairly unique right now, and that makes this all the more endearing yet still motivational for the side-hustlers looking to get ahead.
The more you write, the closer you get to writing that one song that really reaches out. Whether you see this task as purely for fun, or something to genuinely help you escape your songwriting hiatus & build a lasting, enjoyable habit – here are 100 songwriting prompts & ideas to play around with.
The Public Therapy Podcast is a sort of therapy for the listeners and the show’s hosts all at once. Both Chris & Rae introduce themselves with quickly likable personalities, which makes whatever they choose to discuss become an unexpected interest. A pleasure to stumble upon and a refreshing look at real life that’s increasingly valuable in today’s society.