Creative performer and artist Grey Satana recently released the latest in a string of boldly original indie hits. We caught an interview with the musician and songwriter behind the music, to find out more about the process for Ms. Satana, the journey to this point, and what the future may hopefully entail. Here’s how it … Continued

Alt PopDance PopPopRnBSongwriter

Professionalism and passion as ever guide the greatest songs and productions into the light. Enter artist and producer Jatzu, with an engaging and rather seamless blend of Latin and Reggaetón vibes, presented by way of a handful of gorgeously performed and faultlessly written original tracks.


RnB singer and songwriter Darrell Kelley brings together the evocative depth of purposeful production, and the distinct and soulful essentials of vocal and lyrical freedom, with his uniquely engaging, unmistakable new single Drones.


Nostalgic acoustic RnB with soulful harmonies and a heartfelt, scornfully honesty thread of lyricism. Kesha Lee takes things back to the bare essentials of songwriting and performance, with the naturally catchy, evocative, intimate and genuine single You Hurt Me.


The overall creative set-up rings loud in a similarly distinct way, the music blending the familiarity of pop with the alternative freedom of an artist whose creative pathway is clearly uninhibited, and genuinely focused on feeling and intention as it pours through the airways.

Alt PopAmbientRnBTrip Hop