The exciting thing about the track is that it’s soaked in a fresh sense of frustration. It’s a reaction to now. It’s something completely different.
The art of the album is not a lost concept, the thought & effort put into this collection has value & greatly enhances everything magical about it.
My earlier albums each had a story or theme. A river, a planet, a person, someone who inspired me. Four was total improvisation, a stream of consciousness.
The feeling given off is intense & captivating. The precise nature of the production is creative & detailed – magnetic, and ever impressive to experience.
The energy is on point, intense & hyper – likely to leave even the laziest of listeners feeling the need to get up & go do something.
The titles hold a level of strength. The concept’s are briefly defined, the rest of the journey is determined by the music & the mind of the listener.
Serge Bulat has an absolute thirst & skill for capturing the perfect sounds for each passing moment during the creative process. Beautifully unique.
The track has a great vibe, it’s addictive; the rhythm is consistent, so it keeps you captive, but the sounds are all very unexpected & unusual.
The imaginative nature of these songs is superb, the atmospheric instrumentation surrounding & underlining the concepts is always striking.
It’s a deeply thoughtful, unusual & beautiful collection – one of the most interesting & out there releases of the past few years.
A stunning release. Flawlessly mixed, free & fearless. Extremely dark, but beautifully crisp. A must have for electronic music fans.
It’s a lot of fun to listen to. Great musical skill, memorable writing, and a leading voice that has plenty of character & a fantastic sense of style.