Every once in a while a track comes along that makes you forget the whole concept of a write-up and just get lost in the music and your own imagination. Emmeffe’s Voyage is a fine example of such a release.
Lampedusa has a big, warm heart that resonates powerfully from beginning to end. This song has something to say, and says it beautifully. It’s getting a lot of love on Soundcloud and deservedly so.
Perhaps his fullest sounding and most vibrant soundscape yet, Ltronnika’s Here Comes The Sun sees multiple layers of synths and melody rain down around the listener in an all-encompassing manner. Given the title, you naturally try to seek out familiar tunes here, but the track walks its own pathways – not a single one, but … Continued
The opening moments immediately put the listener at ease – here comes that fine fusion of retro electronica and the sounds of the natural world; here comes the dreamland, the ethereal bliss.
“The last thing I would ever want to do is write soul-less music – the track must take the listener somewhere. It doesn’t have to be a big rollercoaster of a ride, but even if it just transports them somewhere else for a few minutes or evokes an emotional connection, then in my mind, job’s done.”
A magical listening experience that will change your entire outlook if you let it. It’s like a series of films, but your mind creates the visuals in response to the audio stimuli.
While there has always been an air of originality and freedom to the P’like sound, this project seems to have reached another level altogether.
“YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) is a grass-roots political movement that focuses on housing issues all over the United States and around the world. It is a reaction against NIMBY (Not In My BackYard), where a lot of affordable housing developments are being blocked by local governments, driving up rent prices and homelessness rates everywhere, especially around the major metro areas in the US.”
Patience and peace rarely play a role in modern life, but they should, and perhaps they must as times move faster and grow noisier and more impactful on our every day existence. Enter YIMBY, these compositions, and the choice to temporarily free yourself from the manic downpour of information.
“What a stunning short journey, in a league of its own right now – following its own rules, making you smile, making you feel free from concern. Escapism at is finest. Creativity and professionalism have intertwined to a superb extent, and it pays off in acres.”
You can set aside an hour, can’t you? Even in today’s hectic world? NO? You should… when you can fill it with Compassion. In fact, you need to listen to all of it. For the songwriting, for the vocals, for the skill, for the magic… I don’t do politics, but in an age of Brexit and Trump, I find myself running towards Compassion with open arms. It’s worth it.
In terms of genre, New Realms (that title is probably a clue!) is borrowing from all over the place. As well as the influences I’ve already mentioned, there is something of Ulrich Schnauss-era Engineers about the overall effect of the EP. It’s rich, imaginative, compelling and intriguing. It’s hard to imagine higher praise than this.